California Privacy

This section provides additional information for California residents under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The terms used in this section have the same meaning as in the CCPA. This section does not apply to information that is not considered "personal information," such as anonymous, deidentified, or aggregated information, nor does it apply to publicly available information as defined in the CCPA.

To the extent we process deidentified personal information, we will make no attempt to reidentify such data.

Information we collect from you

We collect the personal information you provide to us when you purchase our products or visit our website. The categories of information we may collect include:

  • Personal Identifiers, including name, email address, postal address, telephone number, and online Identifiers
  • Internet Activity
  • Commercial Information, including purchases
  • Financial Information, including credit or debit card number
  • Location Information, including general location data
  • Physical and Audio Data, including physical characteristics or descriptions, photos, and video recordings
  • Protected Classifications and Other Personal Characteristics, including sex, gender, or gender identity
  • Consumer Communications, including direct communications with your consumers
  • Inferences from Other Data, including inferences created from other personal information collected

To the extent we process deidentified personal information, we will make no attempt to reidentify such data.

Information from other sources

We may collect personal information about you from third-party sources, including Other consumers (e.g., referrals) and Retail Partners.

The categories of information we may collect include:

Other consumers (e.g., referrals)

  • Personal Identifiers, including Name and Email address

Retail Partners

  • Personal Identifiers, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number, and Online Identifiers
  • Commercial Information, including Purchases

How long we keep your data

We do not retain data for any longer than is necessary for the purposes described in this Policy.

We generally retain data according to the guidelines below.


Type of Data Retention Period
Cookies and online data we collect while you use our website, including Online Identifiers, Internet Activity, General location data, Sex, gender, or gender identity We delete or anonymize data concerning your use of our website within 10 years of collecting it.
Data we collect in order to process and ship orders you place with us, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number, Purchases, Credit or debit card number We keep personal information related to products and services you purchase for as long as the personal data is required for us to fulfill our contract with you, and for 10 years from your last purchase with us. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you contact us for customer support and other inquiries, including Name, Email address, Telephone number, Purchases, Direct communications with your consumers We keep customer feedback and correspondence with our customer service for up to 10 years to help us respond to any questions or complaints. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you sign up for promotional and marketing communications, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number, Online Identifiers, Internet Activity, Purchases, Direct communications with your consumers, Inferences created from other personal information collected Where you have signed up to receive promotional and marketing communications from us, we will retain any data collected until you opt out or request its deletion. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form. We will further retain a record of any opt-outs in order to prevent sending you future communications.
Data we collect when you review our products, answer surveys, or send feedback, including Name, Email address, Purchases, Direct communications with your consumers We retain review, survey, and feedback data for up to 10 years following your last contact with us. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form to help improve our products and services.
Data we collect in connection with privacy requests, including Name, Email address, Online Identifiers We retain records related to privacy requests as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations.
Data we collect for security purposes, including Name, Email address, Online Identifiers We retain security-related data as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations and to maintain and improve our information security measures.
Data we collect to provide shade matching recommendations., including Email address, Telephone number, Physical characteristics or descriptions, Photos, Video recordings We delete or anonymize data concerning your shade matching results within 10 years of collecting it.

Why we process your information

We process personal information for the following business and commercial purposes:

  • Analyzing Data
  • Conducting Surveys
  • Creating Customer Profiles
  • Delivering Targeted Ads
  • Fulfilling Customer Orders
  • Improving our Products & Services
  • Marketing Our Products & Services
  • Meeting Compliance & Legal Requirements
  • Operating Our Website 
  • Preventing Fraud
  • Processing Payments
  • Providing Customer Support
  • Providing Cybersecurity
  • Sending Promotional Communications
  • Storing and Managing Data
  • Tracking Purchases & Customer Data

How we disclose your information

We may disclose personal information about you for business and commercial purposes when you purchase our products or visit our website:

Personal Information Category Categories of Service Providers Categories of Third Parties
Personal Identifiers Business Operations Tool, Commerce Software Tools, Customer Support Tools, Data Analytics Providers, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, Sales & Marketing Contractors, and Sales & Marketing Tools Ad Networks, Commerce Software Tools, Data Analytics Providers, Payment Processors, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Shipping Services
Internet Activity Commerce Software Tools and Sales & Marketing Tools Ad Networks, Commerce Software Tools, Data Analytics Providers, and Sales & Marketing Tools
Commercial Information Business Operations Tool, Commerce Software Tools, Customer Support Tools, Data Analytics Providers, Sales & Marketing Contractors, and Sales & Marketing Tools Ad Networks, Commerce Software Tools, and Payment Processors
Financial Information Commerce Software Tools Commerce Software Tools
Location Information Sales & Marketing Tools Commerce Software Tools and Data Analytics Providers
Protected Classifications and Other Personal Characteristics Customer Support Tools None
Inferences from Other Data Sales & Marketing Tools None

Information “sharing” and “selling”

We “share” certain personal information with third party ad networks for purposes of behavioral advertising, including: Personal Identifiers, Internet Activity, and Commercial Information. This allows us to show you ads that are more relevant to you.

We do not "sell" any personal data to third parties, as that term is defined in the CCPA. We do not knowingly sell or share (for cross-context behavioral advertising) the personal information of consumers under 16 years of age.

Opt-out preference signals

Your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit an opt-out preference signal, such as the Global Privacy Control (GPC) signal, to online services you visit. When we detect such signal, we place a U.S. Privacy String setting in your browser so that any third party who respects that signal will not track your activity on our website. Your request to opt-out of sale/sharing will be linked to your browser identifier only and not linked to any account information because the connection between your browser and the account is not known to us. GPC is supported by certain internet browsers or as a browser extension. Find out how to enable GPC.

Your CCPA rights

Your privacy rights under the CCPA are described below. Make a privacy request by emailing us at

Right to Access

You have the right to access the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

Right to Delete

You have the right to request that we delete any personal information about you that you have provided to us. Subject to certain limitations, we will delete your personal information from our records and notify our service providers, contractors, and third parties that you have requested deletion of your personal information.

Right to Non-Discrimination

If you exercise your CCPA privacy rights, we will not discriminate against you by, for example, charging a different price or offering a different level or quality of products or services.

We will not retaliate against you, as an employee, applicant for employment, or independent contractor, for exercising your privacy rights.

Right to Opt-Out

You have the right to opt-out of any selling and sharing of your personal information.

Right to Correct

You have the right to correct inaccuracies in your personal data, taking into account the nature of the data and our purposes for processing it.

Right to Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information

The Right to Limit does not apply because we do not use your sensitive personal information to infer characteristics about you.

Request Verification

Before we can respond to a privacy request, we will verify that you are the consumer who is the subject of the CCPA request. Requests to Opt-Out or Limit the Use of Sensitive Data (if applicable) do not require verification.

Typically, identity verification will require you to confirm certain information about yourself based on information we have already collected. For example, we will ask you to verify that you have access to the email address we have on file for you. If we cannot verify your identity based on our records, we cannot fulfill your CCPA request.

Contact Us

If you have any privacy-related questions or have trouble accessing this notice, please email